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出门旅游,我们总希望能事事准备万全,那去夏威夷旅游,出发前该带些什么衣服,可以带什么零食,长途旅行该怎么打包行李, 入境国际机场,有那些应注意事项,带小朋友一起旅行要注意那些细节等等。我们一起来看看哈:

出发去机场前 Before the Airport
‧ 不要携带违禁品到机场
‧ 避免穿着附有金属材质的鞋子、衣服、珠宝和配件
‧ 尽量不要携带包装好的包裹,包裹最好用寄的,如果携带包裹时触动警铃,海关会请你拆封检查,造成麻烦
‧ 每个机场都会要求做行李扫描检查
‧ 把相机和底片放在随身携带的行李,不然行李扫描检查,会破坏底片
‧ 携带上机的行李限定只能一件,可再外加一件个人用品,象是装笔记型计算机、钱包、公文包、相机等
‧ 寄放的行李则限定为每人两件
‧ 小心不要超重,美国国内旅游限重50磅,国际限重70磅,从美国到夏威夷,属于国内旅游
‧ 在行李上挂身分识别証明,你的笔记型计算机也要贴上一个身分标签,计算机是行李通关时,最容易被忘记的东西
‧ 早点出发到机场,或是听取航空公司或旅行社建议的时间抵达和搭机

到机场后At the Airport
‧ 早点到,报到时就不用怕大排长龙时,赶不上班机
‧ 如果是从夏威夷离开,所有行李都要先经农业检疫后,才到航空公司柜台办理报到手续,最好不要携带水果或其他植物,除非你有允许出口的証明
‧ 没有证明的水果、蔬菜、花卉或植物,无法通关,会被海关没收
‧ 一旦办理好班机报到手续,就必须经过安全扫描检查,需要把登机证和识别証先准备好
有小朋友同行Traveling with Children
‧ 每个人包括婴儿,都要个别接受安全的扫描检查,但是不会要求家属跟小朋友分开
‧ 从事扫描的服务人员,会特别小心谨慎处理孩童
‧ 告诉你的宝贝,扫描一点都不可怕,告诉他扫瞄是为了防止坏人
‧ 告诉小朋友,他们的袋子会从另一边出来,归还给他们
‧ 让小朋友知道,服务人员可能会要求检查父母的鞋子,但是检查后会归还

常见问题集 Travel Tips – Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What are Permitted and Prohibited Items?

A: Prohibited items are weapons, explosives, incendiaries, and items that are seemingly harmless but may be used as weapons – the so-called "dual-use" items.

Q: How early should I arrive at the airport?

A: Check with your airline or travel agent to determine how early to arrive at the airport. Recommended check-in times differ by airline/airport and change during peak travel times.

Q: How should I pack before my flight?

A: There are different restrictions on what you can pack in your carry-on vs. your checked baggage. All of your baggage will be screened and possibly hand-searched as part of the new security measures.

Note: Each passenger is allowed 2 pieces of checked baggage. Weight restrictions are 50 pounds if you are flying domestically and 70 pounds if you are flying internationally.

Note: Each passenger is allowed 1 personal item and 1 carry on bag.

Q: What do I need to know if I am a Traveler with a Disability or Medical Condition?

A: In order to assist persons with disabilities or medical concerns, TSA has developed guidelines with input from various groups and have trained our airport screeners in the methodology needed to ensure secure and comfortable screening at all Security Checkpoints. Please refer to the Persons with Disabilities & Medical Concerns section of the TSA website.

Checked Baggage Q’s and A’s:
Q: Should I lock my luggage?

A: In some cases screeners will have to open your baggage as part of the screening process. If your bag is unlocked then TSA will simply open and screen the baggage.

However, if you decide to lock your checked baggage and TSA cannot open your checked baggage through other means, then the locks may have to be broken.

TSA suggests that you help prevent the need to break your locks by using a TSA recognized locking mechanism. TSA is not liable for damage caused to locked bags that must be opened for security purposes.

Q: Will TSA relock my bag if it is opened for screening?

A: TSA’s highly trained screeners will take great care to secure your bag if they need t open it for screening. If your bag has a TSA recognized locking mechanism, and TSA opens your locked bag, they will re-lock the bag after the screening process.

Security Checkpoints Q’s and A’s:
Q: What should I expect at the Security Checkpoint?

A: The Passenger Security Checkpoint includes three (3) primary steps you may want to become familiar with. Step 1 is the X-ray machine. Step 2 is the Walk-through metal detector and Step 3 is Secondary Screening. Please refer to the TSA website under Passenger Security Checkpoints for more information.

Q: What documents are needed to pass through a Security Checkpoint?

A: You will need Identification and at most airports, a boarding pass to pass through a Security Checkpoint. For more details on Identification and how to obtain a boarding pass, please see Access Requirements for more information.

Q: What may happen to me if I bring a prohibited item to a security checkpoint?

A: If you bring a prohibited item to the checkpoint you may be criminally and/or civilly prosecuted or at the least asked to rid yourself of the item. Please refer to the TSA website List of Permitted & Prohibited Items for more information.

Q: What may happen to my prohibited item at the security checkpoint?

A: Some Prohibited Items may be detained for use in an investigation and if necessary as evidence in your criminal and/or civil prosecution. Others may be surrendered as detailed in the TSA list of Permitted & Prohibited Items on the website.

Q: Can I access the gate area if I am not a passenger?

A: Yes. There are instances where it will be necessary to accompany a passenger through the Security Checkpoint. Instances of this can be found on the Access Requirements web page. However ticketed and screened passengers are normally the only people allowed in the gate areas.


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声明:此文章由 Meijia 2011-01-09上传,共计4106字。